Saturday, February 18, 2006


I miss my cigarettes!!!! It's now day three and even with the nicotine gum I am shaky, tired, restless, fidgety, and oh yes annoyed!

I screamed at one of our reps on Friday at work just because he called.

I cannot stand to hear a phone ringing, I have the cell in my pocket on silence.

I am now out of Advil for the headache that's been involved.

I am beginning to cough up crap.

Poor Shinola gets to hang out with me all weekend while DD is out west frolicking in -60 degree weather or something unholy like that...It's 41 and rainy here, but it isn't even freezing. Friday it was 70 and sunny.

So I guess to sum up I'm loosing it and have resorted to locking myself in for the day. I have invited one good friend. She was warned and is bringing a movie. Bless that good woman!

I'm going to run around the house now and turn up the music real loud so as to not hear the pounding in my brain,...


Blogger Shinola said...

I can barly stand it much longer.

The nicotine gum sucks. It taste like crap, new and improved my ass! And you can't drink anything when you have it in your mouth.

I know the patch is better, but I am allergic to the adhesive.

I am tired, I am crappy. I just want my smokes!

The only cure, I am convinced, is sex and lots of it. Seems to be the only time I don't want a cigerette. It only works if you ware yourself out.

Screw the carpiltunnel. Screw the tennis elbow. I am going to, god willing, conduct more experiments on this theory later.

Baby, it is going to be a long night!

3:15 PM  

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