Saturday, October 29, 2005

Halloween at the fishbowl.

Tonight is the Halloween party at the fishbowl. We are all very excited since this is the best holiday of the year. Think about it...No family stress, you get to dress up and you get to drink. Really what could be better?

It is a fishbowl tradition to have a Halloween party. Every time we get all dressed up, decorate the house, and think no one is coming. We get trashed while waiting, because we think, no one is coming what are we going to do with all this booze? So we developed a system to deal with the possiblilty (not reality mind you) that no is coming. First there is the "pre-decoration" shot. Then there is the "mid-decoration" shot. After that we make the punch, which means we have to sample it (all of us have to sample it) at ever stage of production. Next there is the "yeah everything is ready" shot. Then we just sit and drink until people get here. The problem is that we don't always know who came. On the upside, we hear everyone has a good time at our parties.

This year we made people RSVP, so we could leave them some punch. It should be fun. DD is a little disappointed because most of the guys have backed out, so again this year it will be a fish-fry (kinda like a sausage party which is with all guys, a fish-fry is characterized by all girls) which is par for the course at the fishbowl. I don't know if men can survive in the fishbowl for long.

We are taking pictures to post so stay tuned.


Blogger FRITZ said...

Oh, it was fun! Except I puked. Of course. I always do.

4:41 AM  
Blogger *Monica said...

I am in mourning over missing this party. :-(

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You could have driven down with me if you could make it to Indiana! Wait until you see the pics, DD was a schoolgirl who was studying boobs. Fritz was a kitty and she did cough up a hairball.

11:26 AM  
Blogger *Monica said...

dang, next party I am in.

3 days and still no pictures....I have a flogger and I am not afraid to use it!!!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Shinola said...

Oooooh, a first!

6:12 PM  
Blogger Shinola said...

I couldn't help it I am short and sam's chest comes right to my head.

9:10 PM  

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