Wednesday, September 28, 2005

About That Literal Breakdancing Incident...

You see I was only slightly drunk, and supervising the wrong group. Last time I saw Drunk she was on the phone, everyone in the living room was quiet and the group in the garage were dancing, safely. So I thought I'd step outside and have a smoke. About halfway through my smoke I hear the crowd in the garage get louder. I decided it was nothing and leisurely finished my smoke. I came into the living room and that crowd had passed out on Drunks amazingly comfy couch. Then it got really loud out in the garage, and I finally decided to go investigate. No sooner than I'm almost to the door of the garage when I hear a yell "STOMP HARDER" from Drunk then the garage erupts into the "OOOoooohhhh" noise. Immediately knowing something went terribly awry, I looked in and saw Shin on the floor. We got her up and I carried her into the living room and set her down in another one of Drunks amazingly comfortable piece of furniture, the chair and a half. It was a strategic move to achieve the same results as the rest of living room crowd who'd drunk themselves into a stupor; peace and quiet so I could assess the damage. I was slightly drunk myself just not to the point everyone else was and I asked three times if we needed to go to the hospital (thinking of people to call to take us cause I wasn't going anywhere, not only being drunk but also having the tendancy to loose everything, finding my keys would've taken hours). Finally she convinced me that it wasn't that bad, only a strain (and she's had many). The blind cannot leadeth the blind. Later it was confirmed that she had broken her foot. Moral of the story Don't Drink and Attempt RiverDance in your garage if it has a concrete floor.

To set the record straight:

Drunk Dialer is truly obsessive about cleanning. I have heard that she was not overly clean in the past, but now I swear to you it is almost a problem.

DD was not drunk (don't let her lie to was 9am when this happened) when she grabbed my bare boobs in front of her then bf and did her stunning remdition of "My Milkshakes..."

DD and supervision

Okay so Drunk Dialer (DD)does need to be supervised when she is well, DRUNK. She calls random people. Once she even called her boss from a bar. She has been know to grab boobs, which I still don't think comes from living with lesbians. She has brought home strangers and stuck things in his naughty places. BTW he had some funky spunk...I had to light a candle.

But over all I can't complain because she needs supervision, so do I. To top it off we found out this year that we can't supervise each other. Yeah, we figured that out when I broke my foot dancing (I was trying to flat-foot or clog...think riverdance kinda) with her in the background shouting "STOMP HARDER", and then she proceeded to call me a wimp when I stopped dancing (due to the broke foot). This all resulted in us having to be separated for the rest of the night.

And yes my parents are nudist and I do go and visit them at thier park. I will be in my second Mystery Dinner next weekend. Yes we do wear clothes for this, actually we dress up in character. No I usually don't go nudy myself, not that I never will...just not there yet.
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