Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Repetitive Motion injury

I have been told by my Doctor that I have tendenitis in my left elbow and my wrist. Apparently it is a repetitive motion injury, basically tennis elbow and the beginning of carpeltunnel.

So, I have been trying to identify what I have been doing (since I don't play tennis) to cause this, knowing that the doctor will ask first thing. I know that typing is a big part of it (typing one handed now), because I have had the wrist problem for years now. I use a wrist guard that when I type at work, but that did not cause the elbow. So, I thought maybe it is the fact that I am answering the phones more. I always reach with my left hand and that would defiantly be the motion that hurts the most.

Then I thought about it. It flares up most after sex. This is a problem. After surviving Lesbian Bed Death or LEB, I am now really enjoying having a full sex life.

Ze Queen insists this is not the cause, perhaps a factor, but not the cause (which is probably true that it is not one thing causeing but multiple things that require the same motion) and forbade me from telling the doctor that I thought that might have something to do with sex. You see, she also sees the same doctor, along with both of my parents and my little brother. Not that I think the doctor would say anything to them, if fact she can't with HIPPA, but Ze just didn't want her to know all that.

So in the end, I told her about the phones, and that I type at home now more (damn blog). She looked a little uncertain, but accepted it. She suggested getting a headset for work, icing and splinting when I sleep. Also I am not to use that arm unless I need to.

Here is my question, would sex qualify as a "need to?"


Blogger *Monica said...

SHA yes.

I am sure there is a website made JUST for this...if ya google hard enough.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Shinola said...

Yes, I am ambidextrious that is part of the problem, I am right handed and it is my left that is messed up.

2:35 PM  
Blogger FRITZ said...

Oh, God. Yet another issue? Medically?

You have sex with your left hand? See, I only masturbate with my RIGHT hand. My left isn't as deft...

This is good blog material.

DD: Oh, go post something, you ninny. I have to say, you make me laugh and choke all at once. Bitch.

You people are a riot. I'm proud you're all my friends.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Shinola said...

Yes, I have sex with my left, most of the time, It is all about postioning. I sleep on the left side of the bed. I am equally adept with both hands though.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Shinola said...

Thanks Bonnie. Give it time you too will be ambedextrious, I just have some years on you. Remember practice makes perfect!

Call it a talent, call it a gift. There are ways around everything. If I can't use the left, there are still other things to do it. We will make sure there aren't any no-sex related deaths in this house.

7:12 AM  
Blogger FRITZ said...


I don't WANT to know anything more about the chode!


Shinola: Can a straight chick be considered ambidextrous if you can whack off yourself and a guy at the same time?

That was probably un-needed info, huh?

4:40 AM  

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