Sunday, October 16, 2005

DD will never be a lesbian!

Last weekend I was the one that got so drunk that I did require IV medication in order to stop throwing-up...This weekend, I paid back DD and Ze for having to baby sit me. Last night we went to Le Buzz, Cobb County's gay bar. I had not been in about 5 years, and it has grown tremedously. I enjoyed myself, but DD and Ze REALLY enjoyed themselves. I had to baby sit not one, but two drunks. To there credit they were well behaved, but still not an easy task. Herding drunks is like herding cats.

First off it is important to note that upon entering and going to the bar, Ze found out she went to school (like elementary on) with the bartender. They even dated for a minute in middle school. This meant our drinks were really good all night!

I knew I was in trouble, when we were dancing and some little short shit of a guy comes up and starts rubbing on Ze Queen, who usually will throttle any man who touches her that she doesn't know, but last night she just giggled and kept dancing. Now friends, Ze and I were just dancing, it is not often that we do dance together in public and he just came up behind her and started grinding. According to DD, he had wood, which is so gross! He started dancing with DD, after I gave him a "back off you little shit" look, that is how she found that he was hard and thought it would funny to steer him back to Ze who just continued to giggle as they danced me almost into the stage. Now why would you go to a gay bar and try to start something with two girls who are dancing, especially when I was a good 6" to 8" taller than you and could clearly break you in half. But Ze, just giggled. I almost had to kick his ass ya'll. Don't start dancing up on my wife, who is dancing with me, and grind your nastiness on her. To all men out there...If two girls are dancing and one looks like she could seriously take you in a fight...LEAVE THEM ALONE - THEY DON'T WANT YOU, AND YOU ARE IN DANGER IF YOU CONTINUE!

Next we go back to the bar area (after escaping the "woody the little shit" which is what I named him) and I find DD making out with some guy, who was buying her drinks. But he had a comb-over, which is just wrong. As a friend I had to pull her aside and tell her "JUST SAY NO" to comb-overs. I am sure he is a nice guy, but you don't let your first one-nighter in a long time (maybe ever...We will have to check that) be a comb-over. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the balding men, but just don't do the comb-over. Anyway she also found this delightful girl with the cutest dimple in the world to dance with and possible more...If she was lucky and she left her to suck face with the comb-over. Further proof she will never be a lesbian. BonnieSituation, this is why you will always have more points. Leaving the cutest girl in the bar (excluding me of course) to suck face with a comb-over automatically strips any and all previously earned lesbian points (which frankly she didn't have that many to begin with).

We left about 2:30 (closes at 3am), the drag queen at the bar exclaimed as we walked out "That polish girl (DD) can really drink and she is funny as hell." I took them both to the Waffle House to get some food in them so they could sober up. There DD delighted all the waitress outside with her penis lighter and some how got them to give her a coffee cup after I told her she could not steel it. By the time we got home it was about 4am. I went to bed, but as some of you know Drunk Dialer made some calls. I would love to hear about them if you could post them I would appreciate it.


Blogger Shinola said...

Okay, Even if you could not tell she liked you...If you were a lebian, or even as BS put it a good bi-curious girl, you would have left comb-over and tried to make the cute girl with the dimples like had your hand on comb-overs cock when you were talking to dimples.

Bottom line, you have a serious COCK addiction, therefore will never be a lesbian.

I think it is great that BS and I are talking, that means you can catch hell from both

5:50 AM  
Blogger *Monica said...

Dimples always win, duh. Male or female. I seriously wish I had the gas money and time to come to your halloween bash.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Shinola said...

I wish you could to Monica, you need to move south!

10:29 AM  
Blogger FRITZ said...

Monica: I will be going to the halloween bash, and will do a blog all about it.

Shinola: Is DD STILL proclaiming she could POSSIBLY EVER be a lesbian? And DD...I can't...I'm just gonna have to say "EWWWWWWWW!" that a comb-over guy was making you touch his...Ick.

Where's this place at? Cobb County has a gay bar? And it hasn't been burnt down? Holy shit!

Bonnie: That girl had so few lesbo points in GENERAL. She just makes shit up sometimes. I swear to God, DD, you are a bit of a pathological liar. Just a bit.

4:40 AM  
Blogger Shinola said...

Fritz, Cobb County has had a gay bar for years and I was recently informed there is a second some where. Le Buzz is off the south loop. Funny, but DD had to tell me where to go since it had been so long since we went. I know it is hard to believe, but no it has not been burned or threatened. I don't think Cobb cares about discriminating against gays anymore. We bring money (LGBT on average have more disposable income)and really isn't that more important than the hatred they harbor against us?

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Monica, if you can make it to Indiana, I can drive to the Halloween party! I'm thinking of leaving on Friday. What do you think? You would have so much fun and get to swim in the "fishbowl"!

1:17 PM  

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